Immigration examinations are required by the Department of Homeland Security for all persons applying for change to their legal status. Dr. Gary DiCanio is a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) designated civil surgeon licensed by the government to perform Immigration Physicals. The Immigration Physical/Medical requirements are as follows: (1) A complete physical examination by a USCIS designated civil surgeon which includes vital signs, tuberculosis testing (PPD testing), syphilis testing and age appropriate vaccines, and (2) a chest x-ray only if you are PPD positive. The cost of the immigration physical is $245.00. If vaccines are required, there will be an additional charge of $25.00 per vaccine administered. All fees are due at the time of the initial visit. All required blood work will be drawn at a local commercial lab, and if a chest x-ray is required we will recommend a radiographic diagnostic facility. Blood work and radiographic services are not included in the above fee. Once the medical requirements are satisfied, we will complete the required I-693 form. The turnaround time for the entire process is between one and two weeks. Due to the time needed for the examination and completion of clinical paperwork, an appointment is required. Because there is a substantial overhead cost related to the examination and preparation of documentation, payment must be received in full, or the I-693 report will not be released. Health 1 Medical will contact you to pick up the final I-693 report. Please ask for Peter Gioia, Operations Manager for more information.
2780 Middle Country Rd.
Suite 140
Lake Grove, NY 11755-2120
Exámenes de Inmigración son requeridos por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional para todas las personas que estén aplicando para legalizar su estatus legal. Dr. Gary DiCanio es ciudadano Americano y es uno de los designados cÃrujanos cÃvil del gobierno para realizar estos exámenes.
Los Requisitos Médicos: Un fÃsico completo examinado por un cÃrujano cÃvil incluye signos vitales, exámen de la tuberculina (Examen de PPD), exámen de sÃfilis, y vacunas requeridas de acuerdo a la edad. RadiografÃas del pecho son requeridas solo si el exámen de la tuberculina resulta positivo.
El costo del examen fÃsico es $245.00. Si vacunas son requeridas, habrá un costo adicional de $25.00 por cada vacuna administrada. Toda sangre requerida será sacada en un laboratorio local y si necesita una radiografÃa del pecho nosotros le recomendaremos a una oficina de servicios de radiologÃa. Nuestros asociados de otras oficinas les acomodará a nuestros pacientes con un descuento para exámenes de sangre y de radiografÃas.
Al solo completar los requisitos médicos, nosotros completaremos los requisitos de la forma I-693. El tiempo de la respuesta para todo el proceso es aproximadamente de una a dos semanas. El pago completo será requerido el dÃa de su primer visita de inmigración. Debido al tiempo necesario de este exámen y la finalización de los papeleos, una cita es requerida. Nuestra oficina Health1Medical les dará una llamada para recoger el reporte I-693 finalizado.